Testimonials Testimonials about the Sandbox Hub

Side-event at Slush

The Sandbox Hub organized a side-event at Slush together with FIT:
(picture of the event)

Omar Mohout (Sirris, Belgian startup expert)

In my opinion the side-event organized by VRT and FIT made visiting Slush worth the effort. The theme was relevant, the people were interesting and the start-ups were inspiring. What else could I ask for?

Eugen L. Gross (from startup aiconix)

I met media managers and content creators from other countries, which is necessary to understand the global market needs.

Jouni Frilander (head of the YLE Sandbox)

The added value the Slush Media side event provided for me was meeting interesting startup companies that I didn’t know before. Besides that I also added people to my network and came up with some new ideas.

IRT Sandbox pitching event

This was an event organized by the Sandbox Hub in Münich for startups to pitch together with IRT:
(picture of the event)

Tommy Ferraz (from startup Voizzup)

We had several interesting contacts. Sincerely, we had more leads than we expected. The balance is very positive. For us there were three main goals in working with VRT Sandbox, getting feedback from one of the most innovative public organisations in Europe, opening a door to other public organisations and gaining visibility. With these two last goals in mind, it makes all sense for us participating in this events. Definitely, the positive balance of this first one event encourages to keep participating in others.”


News Xchange

Sandbox Hub gave three startups the opportunity the go to News Xchange in Edinburgh.
(Picture from the event)

Philippe Petitpont (from startup Newsbridge)

News Xchange was filled with highly qualified people, which gave the feeling of being at the core of news production. Since news is one of our key markets it was definitely worth visiting it. This event made several of the leaders in news production validate us as a viable actor in this sector. We also managed to get some high quality leads.

Thanks to the factors mentioned above, News Xchange will be an essential phase for our communication in the future.

Jorre Belpaire (from startup Kiswe)

We just started to explore the news vertically and News Xchange helped us by providing some interesting conversation opportunities. Thanks to this event we were able to make some important conclusions on how to position our service platform.

General testimonials

Andy Conroy (Controller R&D at BBC)


Mike Nugent (Member of the technical Committee at EBU and Head of TV Development at ERT)

Broadcasters face many challenges including budget restrictions, technological disruptions and competition from major on-line platforms. To overcome these circumstances, they need to become smarter and more efficient, in other words they need to explore new ideas and innovate. The Sandbox Hub offers the opportunity to establish such an innovation environment and to contribute towards the sustainability and growth of these organizations.